Living With Music: A Playlist By Allison Glock The New York Times

tell. Most of the time, I’m really happy. I’m not lonely. His gaze drifts as he contemplates his older self. It’s postpractice in December, and he’s within the Mavs’ headquarters, perched

How one lady’s daughters reacted to their new transgender stepdad

because your world is so small,” surmises Dave Shore, a Mavs radio and TV

on a local membership squad, Geschwindner, captain of the 1972 Olympic team, saw a

Love hurts

funny,” says teammate Jason Kidd. “He can snort at himself. But unless

The guys say the only words I spoke in the first 12 months had been, ‘Sure, positive.'”

“i can not simply say, ‘hey, i want i hadn’t done that,’ as a result of then i’d be a special person now.”

shaking his head. “I had

Allison glock-cooper

selection Robert “Tractor” Traylor to Milwaukee for fellow picks Nowitzki

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