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I then met a nice man who passed away after only two yrs together. It has been 5 yrs since I’ve been with someone and I really miss the companionship. It may be a little old fashioned, but I prefer the original method of courtship. I don’t have a sense of entitlement and I pay my way for many, many things, but I like a man to be a man. Nothing wrong with a little chivalry, even in this day and age.

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I don’t think all men are like this though – there are bound to be some exceptions to this – even some people who actually fall in love with each other and their age doesn’t come into it. I don’t know what else to do anymore. I am not someone who enjoys being alone. I like my own space and time to myself on a regular basis, but as a lifestyle being alone really sucks. I am sorry your wife didn’t value you for the man you are. You certainly have proven yourself through the years and you’d be a great companion for any kind woman.

I would really like to meet someone again but my problem has nothing to do with sex or companionship but more so how I was left in the aftermath of my padt.. Got married at 22 had accumulated properties and businesses only to loose it all during a divorce in 2008 no less. Jumped into a LTR for 10 years and lost again. Now being so cautious and not having much to bring to the table keeps me out of the dating scene. Basically I have been financially devastated and this Covid didn’t help much So my question is would men look down on a situation as mine. Women in their 50’s – these women are your age and there are many available in this group.

How Does Singles Over 70 Work?

The last 7 years of our relationship I took care of him. We traveled all over the world having a wonderful time and life. We worked hard and had 2 beautiful children, now morally grounded adults.

Now his loss is another man’s gain or you can say him cheating was actually a blessing to you. If he hadn’t cheated or got cheated you would have been stuck with the jerk for another 10 years. My friend’s husband who was my friend too cheated after 30 years.

I became attracted to men I never thought I would because I used my brain to assess their character and intentions and in the end they became attractive to me as a whole person. Good men come in all shapes and sizes. Turned 50 in December, though never fat – had gained a few extra pounds and always been muscular. I had already quit drinking and lost 25 pounds prior to my birthday and wanted to kick off a year of recovery to myself. Now, the rest of the story – I had been living with my wife for 17 years and married since 2006.

There is nothing wrong with looking for the best but with age the odds are getting drastically smaller for you. In this age group, I see way more overweight women than men and this is very unattractive. When middle age woman is not overweight, that’s attractive already, fit or not fit, and it shows on pictures. I have normal body, for a 53 it’s a bit heavier of course, sometimes I get very fit when I prepare for a marathon, but in general it doesn’t change my perspective on women. I’m just not attracted to women whose bodies don’t resemble a woman’s body anymore.

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But, dating has been very challenging. I’m too hyper-vigilant for red flags now. 82.5% of post menopausal are not interested that leaves 17.5% – guess you are part of that group. Problem is that don’t know if a women is in that 1.5% group. To those women who want a man their age who is still raising kids and is stable, good looking and not a basket case.

According to what I read on the net, I’m part of an ever-increasing cohort of men of all ages who’ve drawn the same conclusion. It’s never been easy, and the search for has become exponentially more difficult since we were young. Gentlemen, I understand your frustration over the current state of relations between the sexes. Sorry, Dave, that you’ve been treated so poorly. You sound like one of the good guys.

You can’t have a real and meaningful relationship without honesty and respect for yourself and for the other person. Well, Been There, I am a 50yo man that feels the same way…I’ve been reading articles for what seems like forever about this. That author would be attacked immediately. The odds suck for all of us I guess…as to needing a man or needing a woman I hope all of us don’t NEED a man or a woman, but a partner to share life with really does make life better.

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